
[ Selected on-line dictionaries of the Polish language: presentation, comparison, tentative typology and evaluation] The article discusses the existence of the Polish language dictionaries in the World Wide Web resources. It is also an attempt at a typology of that kind of publications. The paper contains descriptions of five out of many publications of that type, available on-line. The general evaluation of their quality and usefulness was based on the following criteria: the offer, page layout, graphic design, information on authors and sources, updating the contents, search method, results presentation, help, language correctness, informative value, and contact with the editor. The highest mark was given to the dictionaries of PWN, available at www.pwn.pl. The second best was Slownik synonimow polskich (The Polish Thesaurus) at http://synonimy.ux.pl. The remaining publications were ranked as follows: Slownik polskiego slangu (The Polish Slang Dictionary) at www.univ.gda.pl/slang.html, dictionaries available at www.wiem.onet.pl/ polszczyzna, and Slownik terminow literackich (Dictionary of Literature) at http://prace.sciaga.pl/33664.html. The large number of such publications is a proof of high demand. Unfortunately, not all of them fulfill the basic requirements of quality and reliability, yet, considering the examples of the PWN dictionaries, Slownik synonimow polskich and Slownik polskiego slangu, it may be presumed that this kind of publications will gradually improve on the quality of contents and aesthetic values.

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