
The shoot organization and inflorescence structure ofEpithema is analyzed. On the main axis micro- and macrocotyledon (the latter falling off early) are followed by a ± long epicotyl, then a large, solitary leaf (B3) and above this a dimerous leaf whorl (B4, B5). The last internode of the main axis is the “basic internode” of the “main florescence” (Troll). Peculiarly enough, the latter includes only one “partial florescence” which is embraced by its subtending bract (B6) and represents a capitulum-like, congenital, pair-flowered cincinnus. Paracladia arise from the axils of B3 to B5 (sometimes also from the macrocotyledon); they are either reduced to their co-florescence (with the same structure as the main florescence), or carry further shoots resp. co-florescences from the axils of a dimerous leaf whorl.—Epithema can be interpreted as anisophyllous.—From flower morphology and ontogenesis a number of new differential characters are revealed. Together with shoot and inflorescence characters their systematic and possible functional significance is discussed.

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