
The Apostolic constitution Gaudium et Spes is a groundbreaking moment. The novelty of this document lies in its inductive and pastoral approach to the relationship of the Church and the world. The pastoral nature of the Apostolic constitution Gaudium et Spes is based on the fact that not only God, but man as well as the world, are in the horizon of its preoccupation. Pastoral nature of the constitution is also seen in the way in which it is written as well as in the inductive presentation of its contents. The image of pastoral ministry which comes up from the constitution Gaudium et Spes is personalistic and universal. In this concept the pastoral ministry is the task of the entire Church and is realized for people and through people. The teaching of the constitution Gaudium et Spes has fundamental meaning for the relationship of the Church and the world. The Church’s ministry of salvation and its ministry toward the world are not excluded since the Church, while taking care for the salvation of the faithful, has to look to sanctification of the world.

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