
Introduction/Background: PhD research is one of the directions to contribute to the development of integrated care and contribute to international conferences such as ICIC in. Contributions are made towards the nine pillars of integrated care. Results are added, mostly as part of an individual PhD study, in a wide array of subjects which fits the nine pillars of integrated care. Doing PhD research brings difficulties but also successes. This also applies to PhD researchers and lecturers of the research and education group PIC’T&Re Personalized Integrated Care Teaching & Research of the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht in the Netherlands. The research group aims to contribute to integration knowledge which can facilitate changes towards the customization of integrated healthcare service delivery in the Netherlands on micro, meso and macro level of health and social care.
 Why a workshop? Using a workshop as a method to share values and perspectives in doing PhD research amongst the diversity of PhD researchers within the integrated care community. Also, to exchange experiences which are of value to all researchers in integrated care. Exchange of knowledge, expertise and experiences of all attendees is central in this workshop.
 Who is it for? The target audience for this workshop consists of (PhD) students, researchers, educators and professionals in integrated health and social care.
 Facilitators / speakers 
 Dennis van Kerkvoorden MSc, PhD candidate 
 Ferdy Pluck RN MSc, PhD candidate
 Dr Roelof Ettema, co-supervisor
 Dr Ruben van Zelm, co-supervisor
 What are we going to do? – Workshop 90’
 a.Introduction and background of the world café method and themes – (15’)
 b.World cafe: in three rounds of discussion and 5 table discussions based on the themes of the 2023 conference on Integrated care – (3 x 20’): 
 1.Change management implementation: macro, meso and micro level
 2.Person-centered care: focus on integration of goals and needs
 3.Collaboration: factor for successful implementation of integrated care
 4.Engaging everybody: caring neighborhoods and compassionate communities
 5.Population health approach: leverage for integrated care
 c.Pitches and Conclusions and general reflections (15’)
 How are you going to engage with the audience? Everybody is an expert in her or his own research, education or practice. In small groups of 5-10 persons, we will discuss one of the five themes mentioned above. We challenge everyone to share their own experiences and ideas. 
 How are you going to summarize the take home messages? All collected results will be summarized by the organizing committee of this workshop. These results will be shared with the participants and IFIC Academy with the intension of a yearly follow-up.
 Keywords: research, integrated and personalized care, world café

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