
Women who form one-half of the population have always played a specific and crucial role subtle as well as visible, in society and history. Undoubtedly, women is a magnificent creature-a power of benevolence and tolerance, a protection and provider, an embodiment of love and affection, an epitome of integrity and understanding-all wrapped in one. The play an active role in day-to-day life doing house chores and in some cases running the household. However, there is an urgent need to acknowledge the role played by women in the society and address the marginalization of their rights.No nation can achieve success unless education is accorded in all its citizens. Mothers are the first educators of the children, who establish virtues in all its citizens. They encourage the child to acquire perfection and good manners, warn him against unbecoming qualities and encourage him to show firmness and endurance during hardships and advance on the road of progress. Due regard for education of girls is therefore necessary. Furthermore, the education of women is more important, for woman is the trainer of the child from its infancy. And if women were imperfect, then it will imply a condition of imperfection for all mankind. In proclaiming the oneness of mankind the thought that men and women are equal in the eyes of God and there is no distinction to be made between them is important. The only difference between them is the lack of education and training. If woman is given opportunity of education, the distinction and inferiority complex will disappear. However, the women are denied the right and privilege of equal development. If equal opportunity is granted to her, there is no doubt she would be the peer of man. Educated women in Jammu and Kashmir can play an important role in all round development of the state. So, we cannot ignore the importance of women’s education in reference to women. The aim of this study is to examine the status of women’s education and causes of decreasing female literacy rate in rural areas of district Budgam.

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