
Purpose: The government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) launched Women Empowerment Policy (WEP) in 2017, the policy was based on the Women Empowerment Policy Framework (WEP-Framework) of 2014. Several policy interventions were planned to be achieved during the five-year implementation of WEP-2017.
 Approach: This study aimed to analyze WEP-2017 from three distinct perspectives: 1) the formation of WEP-2017 as a strategic policy document focusing on the analysis of the identified key performing areas, the designed objectives, and the planned interventions/activities, 2) the linkage of WEP-2017 as a policy document with the annual fund's allocation of the govt. through annual development on gender mainstreaming interventions and 3) the implementation gap analysis of WEP-2017 by reviewing and comparing the post-2017 sectoral strategies of Agriculture, Education, Health, and Industry sectors with that of WEP-2017.
 Findings: The study concluded that WEP-2017 objectives are non-quantifiable and specific, similarly no linkage between govt. funds allocation with WEP-2017 schemes was determined.
 Value: The mentioned factors along with lack of advocacy and awareness within the govt. departments led to the non-achievement of the intended objectives of WEP-2017.

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