
Edge computing is an emerging concept based on distributed computing, storage, and control services closer to end network nodes. Edge computing lies at the heart of the fifth-generation (5G) wireless systems and beyond. While the current state-of-the-art networks communicate, compute, and process data in a centralized manner (at the cloud), for latency and compute-centric applications, both radio access and computational resources must be brought closer to the edge, harnessing the availability of computing and storage-enabled small cell base stations in proximity to the end devices. Furthermore, the network infrastructure must enable a distributed edge decision-making service that learns to adapt to the network dynamics with minimal latency and optimize network deployment and operation accordingly. This paper will provide a fresh look to the concept of edge computing by first discussing the applications that the network edge must provide, with a special emphasis on the ensuing challenges in enabling ultrareliable and low-latency edge computing services for mission-critical applications such as virtual reality (VR), vehicle-to-everything (V2X), edge artificial intelligence (AI), and so on. Furthermore, several case studies where the edge is key are explored followed by insights and prospect for future work.

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