
This study's purpose is to explore the factors which maximize willingness to change within people as they are released from prison. Using data from a panel of men in the Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative (SVORI) study and a hybrid item response theory approach, a modified graded response model is used to estimate people's overall willingness to change. That estimate serves as the dependent variable in a series of regression models which examine which factors relate to a person's willingness to change. Results demonstrate that a variety of experiences prior to incarceration (e.g., prior employment, criminally-inclined peers) and during incarceration (e.g., religious support, family conflict) significantly relate to a person's willingness to change. Understanding the pre- and during-incarceration experiences of individuals can help inform policy and reentry programs tailored to increase the positive attitude of being willing to change and desist from crime.

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