
Arabica coffee production is based on highly productive cultivars; however, these cultivars are susceptible to infestation by several biotic agents, including root-knot nematodes. Collections of wild Coffea arabica germplasm represent an important source of genetic variability for resistant cultivar development. In this study, 1046 plants derived from 71 wild coffee trees were evaluated with respect to Meloidogyne paranaensis resistance. In addition to information on plants reactions, we also evaluated the genetic parameters related to resistance. Progenies from the five most promising plants were also evaluated regarding resistance to M. incognita and M. exigua. The yield potential of selected plants was estimated through analysis of data for fruits harvested in 4 different years. Forty-seven plants were considered resistant based on reproduction factor values. The estimated heritability was high for all analyzed variables leading to substantial selection gain, mainly at the progeny mean level. On the basis of heritabilities and genetic correlations, we conclude that selection could be performed based on values of the gall and egg mass index. However, higher genetic gain could be obtained based on nematode count variables. A second experiment confirmed the reactions of the selected five plants to M. paranaensis, and multiple resistance was detected in three of them. The resistant accessions also have yield potential.

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