
We apply the Google matrix algorithms for analysis of interactions and influence of 37 cancer types, 203 cancer drugs and 195 world countries using the network of 5 416 537 English Wikipedia articles with all their directed hyperlinks. The PageRank algorithm provides a ranking of cancers which has 60% and 70% overlaps with the top 10 deadliest cancers extracted from World Health Organization GLOBOCAN 2018 and Global Burden of Diseases Study 2017, respectively. The recently developed reduced Google matrix algorithm gives networks of interactions between cancers, drugs and countries taking into account all direct and indirect links between these selected 435 entities. These reduced networks allow to obtain sensitivity of countries to specific cancers and drugs. The strongest links between cancers and drugs are in good agreement with the approved medical prescriptions of specific drugs to specific cancers. We argue that this analysis of knowledge accumulated in Wikipedia provides useful complementary global information about interdependencies between cancers, drugs and world countries.


  • For each cancer ! drug link, the drug is followed by a ✔ mark if it is prescribed for the cancer type according to National Cancer Institute [25] and/or DrugBank [29]; by a ▲ mark if the drug appears only as a subject of passed, ongoing or planned clinical trials reported for the cancer type in DrugBank; and by a ✘ mark otherwise

  • Using PageRank and CheiRank algorithms, we investigate global influences of 37 cancer types and 203 cancer drugs through the prism of Human knowledge encoded in the English edition of Wikipedia considered as a complex network

  • This ranking is in good agreement with rankings, by either mortality rates or yearly new cases, extracted from WHO GLOBOCAN 2018 [2] and Global Burden of Diseases study 2017 [5] databases

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“Nearly every family in the world is touched by cancer, which is responsible for almost one in six deaths globally” [1]. In this work the reduced network is composed of Ncr = 37 types of cancers listed at Wikipedia [24] and Nd = 203 drugs for cancer extracted from data base [25] All these Ncr + Nd = 240 items had an active Wikipedia article in May 2017. In total the reduced Google matrix selected number of nodes is Nr = Ncr + Nd + Ncn = 435 The inclusion of these three groups (cancer types, cancer drugs, and countries) in the reduced set of Nr articles allows to investigate the interactions and influence of nodes inside group and between groups.

99 Interleukin 2
62 Ipilimumab
A Cancer
B Cancer
20 Testicular cancer
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