
In this paper we study the Wiedemann-Franz laws for transport in 2+1 dimensions, and the action of Sl(2, ℤ) on this transport, for theories with an AdS/CMT dual. We find that Sl(2, ℤ) restricts the RG-like flow of conductivities and that the Wiedemann-Franz law is overline{L}=overline{kappa}/left( Tsigma right)={cg}_4^2uppi /3 , from the weakly coupled gravity dual. In a self-dual theory this value is also the value of L = κ/(Tσ) in the weakly coupled field theory description. Using the formalism of a 0+1 dimensional effective action for both generalized SY Kq models and the AdS4 gravity dual, we calculate the transport coefficients and show how they can be matched at large q. We construct a generalization of this effective action that is invariant under Sl(2, ℤ) and can describe vortex conduction and integer quantum Hall effect.

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