
Physical Therapy is a healthcare profession, in which Physical Therapist provides treatment to individuals developing, maintaining and restoring the maximum functional capacity throughout life. Physical therapy is amongst one of the neglected health care elds in Pakistan due to lack of resources and absence of a professional regulatory body. Even after 60 years of inception of physical therapy, there is no regulatory council in Pakistan. However, some of the priva t e bodi e s had be en working for professional growth. Of these, Pakistan Physiotherapy Society (PPS), Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) of Pakistan and Pakistan Physical Therapy Association (PPTA) are worth 1 mentioning . Research on the relationship between education and employment has received signicant attention in recent years. It is now well recognized that there are many other factors intervene in the relationship between education and unemployment. From getting admission for higher education to getting a perfect job, substantial socio-economic differences are present at every stage. The evidence strongly suggests that, even after taking these factors into account, graduates from affuent families are more likely to obtain a professional job and to see higher earnings 2 growth in the labor market . To get jobs in physical therapy, along with getting excellence in graduation, knowledge level, clinical skills, some of graduates make themselves competent than others by means of research publications which really have a signicant impact on getting job. Continuing medical education also highlights candidates in a bunch of unemployed population for their distinctive certications and hence, for them, chances of being hired increase. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, graduates with less ma rks , poor knowl edge , no r e s e a r ch publications and post-graduation get better job status only with their political affliations on references basis. In contrast, many deserving graduates, not all, justifying the criteria for employment, remain empty handed with their degrees proving it correct that, "reference dominates merit".Sadly, the significance of this profession in Pakistan is yet to be recognized. Moreover, so far, the campaigns and initiatives which are being taken for the betterment of PT profession are at best poor. This situation is leading to brain drain as graduates are still having apprehensions about their future. They are hired at low remuneration. This is increasing further frustration& depression among fresh graduates. There is no job structure and no vacancies are announced. In Pakistan, things are moving towards the scenario where graduates are more grappling towards finding a strong reference rather than being competent physical therapists. This profession has a great importance in making life worth living. Need has been highlighted for the proper service structure in government as well as private institutions, research, development and training based on international standards. Jobs should be created by the federal and provincial governments. The struggle for the regulatory body is the best of advancement in the development of this profession. As the situation is worsening day by day, the government must take special measures to save this profession

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