
A pine test stake prevlously impregnated in 1978 with 12.0 kg/m3 loading of a TnBTO-AAC formulation and set out under field test conditions in the south of Sweden failed in the summer of 1996 with decay rate of Class 4 according to EN 252. Visual and microscopic examination of the test stake showed the outer 1–2 mm to be degraded by soft rot cavity forming fungi whereas internal attack throughout the groundline region and below was by simultaneous white rot characterized by cell wall thinning, and pronounced bore hole formation. Observations showed the visual presence of very large numbers of characteristic brownish-black flecks associated with the white rotted wood. These flecks were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in conjunction with x-ray microanalysis and were found comprised primarily of manganese possibly as MnO2. Observations further showed gross manganese penetration into partially degraded tracheid wall layers and middle lamella regions and its association with extracellular fungal slime in the wood cell lumina.

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