
Evaluation may be carried out using different tests that are not necessarily parallel. Students with lower abilities may get higher scores while those with higher abilities get lower scores. Measurement errors caused by this condition require test equating. Several computer programs, including Bilog and the R program, can be used for test equating. Each program has a different level of accuracy, and the accuracy of the equating results will affect the standard errors of equating. This study aimed to find out the most accurate equating test method and the accuracy of the estimated BILOG and R program. This research used two sets of tests with equivalent group designs. The determination of the most accurate equating method was based on the root mean square deviation (RMSD) value. Equating test packages, A to package B with BILOG program estimation on the mean and Sigma method resulted in RMSD value of 0.320. In the mean and mean method, RMSD value is 0.250. Meanwhile, equating package A to package B using R program on the mean and sigma resulted in RMSD value of 0.300, and the mean and mean method with the RMSD value is 0.272. The mean and mean yield RMSD values smaller than the mean and sigma methods. Therefore, the mean and mean method is more accurate and applicable. Moreover, the estimation results of the BILOG program are more accurate and can be used in test equating.

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