
Low external input agroforestry systems hold great promise as alternative, sustainable production systems for small-to-medium farmers in the Amazon Basin. The design of such systems is considered essential to stabilize agricultural production and avoid the cycle of continuing destruction of primary forest [Anderson A (1990) In: Anderson A (ed) Alternatives to Deforestation: Steps toward Sustainable Use of the Amazon Rain Forest pp 3–23. Columbia University Press, New York]. In order to be successful, these systems must be compatible with local ecological conditions and adoptable by farmers. Currently, many small-to-medium producers in the Amazon Basin use a slash and burn agricultural strategy that combines annual cropping with cattle grazing in mixed farming systems. While cattle play an important role in household economic survival, grazing-induced land degradation threatens the long-term viability of these farms [Loker W (1993) Human Organization 52(1)∶14–24]. This paper presents a model of a low external input agroforestry system that incorporates farmer preferences and practices but uses well-adapted grass-legume pastures, rotational grazing and the management of natural forest regeneration to enhance productivity in an ecologically sound manner. This system provides farmers with the benefits of both annual crops and cattle raising, avoids the land degradation that characterizes current practices and effectively incorporates trees into the production system.

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