
Reciprocal exchange of morphogenetic proteins between epithelial and mesenchymal cells in a stem/progenitor cell niche results in formation of a nephron. To maintain diffusion of morphogenetic proteins, it is assumed that a close contact exists between involved cells. However, recent publications underline that both types of stem/progenitor cells are separated by a striking interface. To explore this microarchitecture in detail, neonatal rabbit kidneys were fixed in traditional glutaraldehyde (GA) solution for transmission electron microscopy. For contrast enhancing specimens were fixed in GA solution including cupromeronic blue, ruthenium red or tannic acid. To record same perspectives, embedded blocks of parenchyma were cut in exactly orientated vertical and transverse planes to lining collecting ducts. Electron microscopy of specimens fixed by traditional GA solution illustrates a spatial separation of stem/progenitor cells and an unobstrusively looking interface. In contrast, advanced fixation of specimens in GA solution including cupromeronic blue, ruthenium red and tannic acid unmasks earlier not visible extracellular matrix. In addition, projections of mesenchymal cells covered by matrix cross the interface to contact epithelial cells. Surprisingly, the end of a mesenchymal cell projection does not dangle but is enclosed in a fitting sleeve and connected via tunneling nanotubes with the plasma membrane of an epithelial cell. Regarding this complex ensemble the question is to what extent illustrated cell-cell connections and extracellular matrix are involved in communication and transmission of morphogenetic proteins during induction of a nephron.

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