
New driver assistance systems play an important role to rise safety and comfort in todays´ traffic. Those systems should be developed with the needs of the user in mind and tested for the users´ requirements. In this, user acceptance is a central variable of interest – both in scientific and in practical applications of user-centered research on driver assistance systems. In some cases, applied research settings need simplified measurements in order to be efficiently applicable in the driving situations. In the present paper, we explored the applicability and validity of a single-item acceptance measurement (SIAM) for practical study settings covering the attitude towards using new driver assistance systems. To provide a theoretical framing, we tested the one-item measure against the widely used Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the van der Laan acceptance scale (VDL) in a driving simulator study. Participants experienced four different complex driving scenarios using a driver assistance system. Acceptance was measured repeatedly throughout the drive. The results supported construct validity for the SIAM, correlating with the VDL. The SIAM further predicted the intention to use the system. Being carefully aware of the psychometric drawbacks of short scales and acknowledging the importance of multi-item scales, the SIAM is promising for efficiently approaching the acceptance of driver assistance systems in applied settings.

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