
The Assembly of Western European Union (WEU) held the second part of its sixth ordinary session in Paris from November 29 to December 2, 1960. The President of the Assembly, Mr. Badini Confalonieri (Italian Liberal), opened the session with a tribute to the late Max Becker, representative of West Germany. He then examined briefly the perils facing Europe due to recent developments throughout the world. He called on the members of WEU to tackle courageously their joint problems, stating that the only way of ensuring the defense and unity of the free world was for the Atlantic Community to operate through representative executive bodies and parliamentary consultation. The President emphasized that the achievements of the European Communities did not imply that other European organizations should be cast aside, but rather that these other organizations should also acquire greater power and authority. The unity of Europe would be achieved only within the framework of a community of nations, Mr. Confalonieri continued, the members of which would submit their individual wishes, in the interest of all, to the decisions of the community's governing bodies. Insofar as positive results toward a true European community had been achieved, the most impressive and exemplary accomplishments had been those of the European Economic Community (EEC), which had brought about nothing less than a revolution in European institutions. In conclusion, the President stressed the importance of the United Kingdom's becoming a co-member, along with the EEC countries, of a genuine community, and he warmly welcomed Mr. Edward Heath, Lord Privy Seal of the United Kingdom, to the Assembly, calling his presence tangible proof of the links that had developed between the WEU Council of Minister and the Assembly.

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