
A. Paul Alivisatos of the University of California, Berkeley, and Charles M. Lieber of Harvard University are the winners of the 2019 Robert A. Welch Award in Chemistry, presented by the Welch Foundation. The $500,000 award recognizes chemical research contributions that benefit humankind. “Drs. Alivisatos and Lieber both show extraordinary scientific breadth in their work,” Peter B. Dervan, chair of the Welch Foundation Scientific Advisory Board, says in a statement. “We are proud to honor them for their remarkable accomplishments and leadership.” Alivisatos, who is executive vice chancellor and provost and the Samsung Distinguished Professor in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at the University of California, Berkeley, is a pioneer in quantum dot technology as well as the fabrication of nanocrystals. His work has led to the widespread use of nanocrystals in a variety of applications, including medical diagnostics and the latest generation of television displays. He is currently studying new renewable

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