
The objective of this investigation was to determine the effect of prolonged restriction of motor activity (hypokinesia [HK]) on several parameters of water metabolism in primates. The studies were performed on 12 rhesus monkeys aged 4-5 yr (5.10-6.85 kg) during the hypokinetic period of 90 d and during the prehypokinetic period of 30 d. They were divided into two equal groups: the first group was placed under ordinary vivarium conditions (vivarium control animals) and the second group was subjected to 90 d of HK (hypokinetic animals). For the simulation of the hypokinetic effect, the primates were immobilized on their abdomens in special tables. The legs of the monkeys were immobilized with hip and knee joints extended. The primates retained freedom of movement at elbow, wrist, and ankle. During the pre-experimental period of 30 d and during the experimental period of 90 d, the following variables were determined: body weight, total body fluid content, specific total body fluid, mean fluid consumed and eliminated in urine, specific plasma resistance, hematocrit level, and plasma concentrations of sodium (Na) and potassium (K). In the hypokinetic primates, body weight decreased significantly when compared to the controls. Mean fluid intake, total body fluid, and specific total body fluid decreased, whereas mean daily fluid loss and specific mean daily fluid elimination increased significantly. Specific plasma resistance, hematocrit level, and plasma electrolyte concentrations increased significantly when compared to the control primates. It was concluded that prolonged restriction of motor activity induces significant changes in water metabolic parameters of primates leading in decreased total water content of the body.

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