
Abstract Capillary imbibition is an important mechanism during water injection and aquifer influx in fractured porous media. Better understanding of matrix-fracture interaction and imbibition in general is needed to model effectively these processes. Using an X-ray computerized tomography (CT) scanner, and a novel, CT-compatible core holder, we performed a series of experiments to study air and oil expulsion from rock samples by capillary imbibition of water in a three-dimensional geometry. The air-water system is useful in that a relatively large number of experiments can be conducted to delineate physical processes. Different injection rates and fracture apertures were utilized. Two different fracture flow regimes were identified. The "filling-fracture" regime shows a plane source that grows in length due to relatively slow water flow through fractures. In the second, "instantly-filled fracture" regime, the time to fill the fracture is much less than the imbibition time. Here, imbibition performance scales as the square root of time. In the former regime, the mass of water imbibed scales linearly with time. A new analytical model is proposed for filling fractures incorporating implicit matrix/fracture coupling. Good agreement is found between experiments and calculation. This analytic coupling was obtained by means of solving the saturation diffusion equation with the appropriate initial and boundary conditions. The solution provides the location of the wetting phase front in the fracture and the saturation distribution in the matrix. The solution is analogous to that obtained by Marx and Langenheim1 for the areal extent of an equivalent heated zone in thermal recovery methods. Analogous terms among flow and heat transfer in porous media were found and are also presented.

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