
This article examines the state of the tourism potential of domestic tourism under conditions of martial law in Ukraine. The relevance of the study is determined by the important role of domestic tourism in the economic development of the country, preservation of cultural and natural resources, strengthening of social identity, and national consciousness of the population. General scientific methods of cognition, such as induction and deduction, association and analogy, analysis, and synthesis, were employed for the research. The study revealed that due to the russian invasion, certain peculiarities in the functioning of domestic tourism have emerged. These include an increase in the popularity of health, rehabilitation, and psychological tours, as well as a preference for booking tours «for tomorrow», shorter travel durations, changing demands on tourism establishments, a shift in the profile of domestic tourists, and a reduction in the size of tourist groups. Analysis of these features indicates that even in times of war, people continue to travel within Ukraine, which contributes to the development of domestic tourism. However, the development of domestic tourism faces a range of challenges, such as military actions within the country, significant loss of tourist and recreational resources, destruction of tourism infrastructure, disruptions in logistics on the territory of Ukraine, ecocide, nuclear terrorism, legal vulnerability of domestic travelers, and lack of regulation in the field of accommodation and tour guide services. In the short-term perspective, the article proposes several measures to address these problems: ensuring safety on the territory of Ukraine by providing information about potential risks and warning tourists about dangerous areas, creating and implementing a marketing strategy for domestic tourism, adopting the Ukrainian Law «On Tourism» in accordance with the EU Directive, and developing economic maps with special economic zones for the reconstruction of tourist infrastructure. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of utilizing the obtained results by government authorities for the development of domestic tourism in Ukraine.

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