
Seeking a rapprochement between Vygotskians and Piagetians, the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky are compared, and educational extensions by their followers are examined. A paradox in Vygotsky's theory is highlighted, where evidence is found both for claiming that Vygotsky was a behaviorist and that he was a constructivist. Similarities in the two theories are presented: social factors as having a central role in child development, the transformative nature of internalization, and the individual as what develops. Differences in the theories pertain to the nature of the stimulus, nature and origin of psychological instruments, nature of self-regulation and novelty in development, direction of development, the concept of social development, and the role of language in development. Because practical applications of theories often clarify the theories, some educational extensions of Vygotsky's theory are critiqued from a Piagetian constructivist perspective, and, in contrast, constructivist educational interpretations of Vygotsky's work are noted. Aspects of Piaget's theory emphasized by educators are presented, and educational practices inspired by this theory are outlined. A rapprochement is sought, with consideration of convergences in educational practices of followers of Piaget and Vygotsky, sources of difficulty for rapprochement, and changes necessary in educational theories of followers of both Piaget and Vygotsky.

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