
The rate of ectopic pregnancies is between 1% to 4% of all pregnancies in the first trimester. The majority of all ectopic pregnancies are located in the fallopian tube. The use of vaginal ultrasound is critical in the diagnosis of these pregnancies. Presentation of 2 cases of tubal pregnancy where the ultrasound picture (Doughnut sign) was totally conclusive for the diagnosis. A 45-year-old healthy woman (patient 1) 2-para that came to the gynecology emergency department with low abdominal pain in early pregnancy. B-hCG was 1400 IU. A 37-year-old healthy woman (patient 2) 2-para that came to the gynecology emergency department with vaginal bleeding and low abdominal pain in early pregnancy. B-hCG was 9400 IU. Use of vaginal ultrasound and comparison of the US pictures with the pictures in the operating theatre and the histologic analysis results for these two cases. In both cases, during the vaginal ultrasound describes a typical Doughnut sign in the right fallopian tube (patient 1) and in the left fallopian tube (patient 2) and minimal amount blood in the pouch of Douglas. Laparotomy the same day, revealed an ectopic tubal pregnancy in both cases, where the histologic analysis showed ectopic tubal pregnancies without malignancy. In conclusion, vaginal ultrasound can not only diagnose the ectopic tubal pregnancy but also specify exactly the place in the fallopian tube that the pregnancy grows. Supporting information can be found in the online version of this abstract Supporting Information Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.

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