
Opius concolor Szepligeti is a parasite ofBactrocera oleae (Gmelin) and other Tephritid flies. Its development rate was studied with the Sharpe-DeMichele mathematical model, modified by Schoofieldet al. (1981), using the S.A.S. program elaborated by Wagneret al. (1984). This program chose a four parameter poikilotherm model with high temperatures inhibition. Duration of parasitoid development at seven constant temperatures ranged from 14.6±1.7 days at 28°C (males), to 77.2±5.5 days at 15°C (females). Male development was consistently found to be shorter than that of females. Low development threshold and degree-days needed to complete total development were determined with the “Regression Line” and “Thermal Summation” methods. Values (cumulated for both sexes) were found to be respectively 11.7°C and 11.8°C (low threshold), 255.9 and 251.9±16.8 days (thermal constant). Considerations on the possibility of establishingOpius concolor in northern and central Italian regions are discussed.

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