
AbstractThe kinematic viscosities (v) were measured for nine binary solvent mixtures of 2‐methoxyethanol (ME) + 1,2‐dimethoxyethane (DME) at nineteen temperatures ranging from −10 to +80°C. The experimental data have been used to test some empirical equations of the type v = v(T), v = v(X1) and v = v(T, X1). The viscosities of all the mixtures increase from the values of pure DME to that of ME as the mole fraction of ME increases, and always yield a negative excess property (vE) at all the investigated temperatures. Furthermore, thermodynamic parameters of viscous flow have been evaluated on the basis of the Eyring theory. The excess free energy of activation of viscous flow (ΔGE) vs X2 plot suggests the presence of a stable hetero‐adduct, having ME : DME = 1 : 1 stoichiometric ratio.

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