
Blue catfish alloherpesvirus (BCAHV) is a novel virus isolated from the blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus). To date, the ultrastructure, virulence and immunogenicity of BCAHV have not been reported. Given the importance of blue catfish in producing channel ♀ (I. punctatus)×♂ blue (I.furcatus) catfish hybrids and the increasing demand for hybrid catfish in the US catfish industry, the susceptibility of blue, channel and hybrid catfish to BCAHV was assessed. Further, the cross-protective potential of BCAHV against Ictalurid herpesvirus 1 (IcHV1) was investigated in channel and hybrid catfish that survive BCAHV exposure. Neutralization assays revealed BCAHV is refractive (neutralization index [NI]=0) to anti-IcHV1 monoclonal antibody Mab 95, compared to IcHV1 (NI=1.8). Exposure of blue catfish fingerling to 1.3×105 TCID50 /L BCAHV produced cumulative mortality of 51.67±0.70% and pathologic changes similar to those of channel catfish virus disease. No mortality was observed in channel or hybrid catfish. Twenty-eight days post-challenge, surviving channel and hybrid catfish were exposed to 9.4×104 TCID50 /L IcHV1 (LC50 dose), resulting in 100% relative per cent survival compared to naïve cohorts. These data provide baseline information for BCAHV and lay the groundwork for future studies. Data also identify BCAHV as a potential vaccine candidate against IcHV1. Based on host range and immunogenicity evaluations, in addition to genome sequence data from previous studies, BCAHV should be given consideration as a new species of Ictalurivirus.

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