
A 51-year-old woman presented with hirsutism and virilization of gradual onset. The serum gonadotropin concentrations were in the postmenopausal range, the serum testosterone concentration was markedly elevated (9.8 nmol/l) and the serum estradiol concentration (220 pmol/l) was elevated above the postmenopausal range. A selective venous catheterization study demonstrated raised serum testosterone and androstenedione levels in ovarian veins and suggested the presence of a left ovarian tumor. The raised peripheral estradiol level was shown to be due to ovarian hypersecretion. After bilateral oophorectomy the serum testosterone became normal. Ovarian histology revealed bilateral stromal hyperthecosis. Ovarian hyperthecosis is a rare but important cause of serum testosterone levels in the neoplastic range. This is the third case reported of postmenopausal virilization due to ovarian hyperthecosis and the first report of a selective venous catheterization study in such a patient.

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