
The expression of HSV-specific gene functions by 22 ts mutants of HSV-1 in 15 complementation groups and 8 ts mutants of HSV-2 in 7 complementation groups has been studied at the nonpermissive temperature. Four cistrons of HSV-1 and three cistrons of HSV-2 with defects in viral DNA and DAN polymerase synthesis were identified. DNA-mutants of HSV-1 revealed a greater alteration in HSV polypeptide synthesis and viral assembly than DNA- mutants of HSV-2. Mutants with apparent defects in structural proteins have been identified for both HSV-1 and HSV-2 as demonstrated by their increased themolability. The general organization of the provisional HSV-1 and HSV-2 linkage maps revealed a similarity in the arrangement of functionally related cistrons, with DNA- mutants being located on the left-hand side of each map and mutants with phenotypic properties similar to those of the wild-type virus, on the right-hand side. An early polypeptide of HSV (VP175, MW 175,000) was found to accumulate in cells infected at the nonpermissive temperature withts mutants of HSV-1 in complementation group B. The VP175 polypeptide was isolated from such cells by a combination of SDS-preparative and analytical disc gel electrophoresis. Antiserum prepared to this polypeptide was found to descriminate between HSV-1 and HSV-2 by immunofluorescence. On the other hand, type-specific gene functions of HSV-1 and HSV-2 were not demonstrated through intertypic complementation and recombination tests with heterologous mutant pairs, whereas mutually exchangeable or common gene functions were readily identified. Eight ts mutants of HSV-2 were used to detect functional HSV genes in hamster embryo cells transformed by HSV-2. Normal hamster cells and SV40-transformed hamster cells failed to support the replication of the mutants at the nonpermissive temperature. However, the replication of two mutants, defective in late functions, was significantly enhanced in two independently derived HSV-2-transformed cell lines. Thus functional HSV genetic information was detected in HSV-2-transformed cells through the use of ts mutants. Moreover, it appears that the information present in both cell lines is not only specific but involves late HSV functions.

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