
A framework for an Autonomic Future Internet which supports 2 services classes, the Essentially-Perfect QoS (QoS) class and the Best-Effort (BE) class, is proposed. All provisioned traffic flows in the QoS class can achieve 100% throughput and essentially-perfect QoS guarantees. Bandwidth is provisioned for the QoS class periodically using measured and projected traffic demand matrices. Each router uses an efficient stochastic matrix decomposition scheduling algorithm to to achieve essentially-perfect QoS guarantees, for every competing QoS traffic flow, i.e., all admitted competing QoS traffic flows never experience congestion. (This QoS scheduling problem is a long-standing unsolved theoretical problem.) The multicasting of aggregated self-similar video streams over the proposed network is explored. It is shown that thousands of bursty self-similar video streams can be multicast across the proposed network with essentially-perfect throughput and QoS guarantees. The technology can be incorporated into Internet routers with minimal hardware cost, it is compatible with the existing IETF DiffServ and MPLS service models, it can achieve link efficiencies as high as 100%, and it can reduce Internet router buffer requirements and power requirements significantly.

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