
This paper focuses on a novel adaptive filtering algorithm, hybrid adaptive controlscheme and their application to real-time vibration control of smart structures. Anovel adaptive filtering algorithm is presented and compared with the least meansquare algorithm, showing a faster convergence rate, better noise-smoothingcapability and wider search field. A hybrid adaptive control scheme is thenproposed and analyzed. The scheme takes advantage of both feedback control andfeedforward control and provides the high damping, fast vibration suppression,good robustness and easy realization due to small computation complexity. Thenovel adaptive filtering algorithm and the hybrid control scheme are verified on acantilever beam with four bonded PZT patches. Satisfactory vibrationreduction has been observed for both single-input and single-output, andmulti-input and multi-output, control cases under sinusoidal, swept frequencysinusoidal and random disturbances, confirming the reliability and validity ofthe novel adaptive filtering algorithm and the hybrid adaptive controlscheme.

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