
<p><em>The Vedas have various concepts and theories about the creation of the universe. Vedic concepts are accepted by revelation, while Vedanta theories are created through contemplative research on macrocosms and microcosms. Creation theories in Vedanta, are: Manah theory or the theory of Virat, this theory states that the universe created from the mind of God. The second is the theory of Sabda, this theory states that the universe is created from the Voice of God, this theory is similar to the Big Bang theory. Other theory is the theory of Apah, this theory states that the universe came from water, and there are also many other theories. These theories seem to be compatible with modern scientific theories. This shows that the Vedic teachings have been an inspiration for scientists.</em><em></em></p><em>The Manah theory, sabda theory, Apah theory, and other theories are embedded by Hiranyagarbha theory. This theory states that the human mind, the mind of the cosmos, and the human mind, historically-theo-cosmologically, have a very close relationship. Hiranyagarbha theory that became the foundation of Hindu Cosmology describes that before the universe was created, there was an element of astaprakriti, the eight subtle elements without size (tan matra). The eight supernatural elements are buddhi (intellect), manas (mind), ahamkara (ego), akhasa (ether), vayu (air), teja (fire), apah (water), and pritivi (land), all within the warehouse. The universe is called Hiranyagarbha. Based on the Hiranyagarbha theory, the creation of the macrocosm begins with the consciousness of God, then moves the mind of God (Manas) connected to the manas that is on Hiranyagarbha. After the macrocosm, humans were created, then the mind of God, the mind of the cosmos, and the human mind have connectivity with each other. Therefore, do not ever think negative about anything.</em>


  • Veda memiliki berbagaikonsep dan teori tentang penciptaan alam semesta

  • Vedic concepts are accepted by revelation, while Vedanta theories are created through contemplative research on macrocosms and microcosms

  • The second is the theory of Sabda, this theory states that the universe is created from the Voice of God, this theory is similar to the Big Bang theory

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Veda Pengetahuan Mahaluas Menginspirasi Para Ilmuwan

Karena itu Veda menjadi inspirasi para ilmuwan Timur dan Barat untuk menciptakan berbagai macam teori baik teori-teori sain maupun teori-teori sosial dan atau teori-teori humaniora. --- jika materi yang ada lebih banyak dari yang kita lihat, tersembunyi di dalam lubang hitam atau di dalam gas panas tetapi tak kelihatan di antara galaksi-galaksi, maka alam semesta akan menghentikan sendiri pengembangannya dan mengikuti siklus berulang-ulang seperti yang berlangsung dalam kepercayaan di India. Berdasarkan uraian Carl Sagan, seorang kosmolog merangkap sebagai astronom Barat yang sangat terkenal di dunia, sebagaimana uraian di atas, maka hal itu membuktikan bahwa di dalam Veda tersedia berbagai ilmu pengetahuan yang belum banyak diungkap oleh para ilmuwan. Para intelektual Hindu Indonesia dan ilmuwan Timur pada umumnya seperti dinyatakan oleh Penerbit Jala Sutra dalam Kata Pengatar buku karya Yasraf Amir Piliang yang berjudul Hiper Semiotika, menyatakan bahwa para ilmuwan Timur hanya sebagai pemahmah consumer teori-teori Barat dan tidak ada yang memproduksi teori. Maka para intelektual Hindu sudah pantas mandiri seperti istilah Bung Karno untuk membangun ilmu-ilmu Hindu

Teori Vedanta tentang Penciptaan
II.1 Teori Penciptaan Jagadraya sebagai Sebuah Sistem Semesta
II.3 Ozon Gas Beracun Pelindung Kehidupan di Bumi dan Dosa Manusia atas Bumi
II.4 Energi Gelombang Pikiran dan Efeknya terhadap Ozon Sakala dan Niskala
II.5 Dosa Nyata Manusia atas Alam dan Reaksi Alam terhadap Dosa Manusia
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