
The pollen contents at different heights (1.5 and 15 m) of species of the Urticaceae family have been studied by sampling with Hirst type volumetric samplers. In order to achieve this, the two pollen types belonging to this family have been treated separately,Urtica urens-Parietaria sp. on the one hand andUrtica membranacea on the other, the latter having a smaller pollen grain. The results show that meteorological factors are bound to influence the behaviour of both these types of pollen in relation to height. With damp weather the pollen contents vary very slightly at different heights while when the weather is dry and calm, differences in pollen content at different heights become more significant. Nevertheless, when the atmosphere is stratified, the behaviour of each pollen type is different. The results show that, for most of the months considered, there is a higher pollen content ofU. membranacea at upper heights, whileU. urens-Parietaria sp. has higher levels of pollen content at a lower height. High temperatures, absence of rain and calm weather conditions favour the presence of convective phenomena which in turn create a favourable atmosphere for the vertical transportation of the small pollen grains ofU. membranacea, which are better represented in the samplers placed at 15 m.

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