
Untreated psychiatric disorders of long-term unemployed persons represent a medical problem and a placement barrier to the labor market that can be eliminated. The objective of the study was to assess the spectrum of diagnoses and the treatment rates in a group of unemployed persons (≥ 50 years) referred by the employment exchange of the job center in Munich to a center for psychosocial coaching. Out of 105 participants 44 (42%) showing signs of psychiatric disorders according to the patient health questionnaire (PHQ) screening were included in the evaluation. The psychiatric diagnoses were assessed by means of a fully structured diagnostic interview, the Munich composite international diagnostic interview (M-CIDI). A semi-structured interview was conducted to investigate the treatment rates and treatment compliance with guidelines. Affective disorders (70%) were in the foreground followed by anxiety disorders (55%, specific phobias, other and unspecified phobic anxiety disorders were excluded) and disorders due to abuse of alcohol (32%). Of the participants 61% received no disorder-specific treatment or no treatment at all and treatment compliant with guidelines was received by 9%. Untreated psychiatric disorders (especially depression) or those that are not treated in compliance with guidelines represent a medical problem and a placement barrier to the labor market that can be eliminated.

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