
A 2-y-old male, weighting 10 kg, was admitted to authors institute for recurrent swelling in the right groin. No pain, redness or other symptoms were described. Testicles were scrotal. Suspecting a right inguinal hernia, the authors decided to perform a planned inguinal herniotomy. Two months after the diagnosis, the patient was hospitalized and underwent surgical exploration through a right inguinal incision. After opening the roof of inguinal canal, hernia sac was identified and the appendix was found inside it. The authors decided not to perform appendectomy, because the appendix was normal (Fig. 1). Therefore they only reduced the appendix into the abdomen and closed the basis of the sac though a biodegradable suture. No antibiotic therapy was given. The patient did not require any analgesic therapy after surgery and was discharged the same evening. On a 6-mo follow-up, no complications were seen. Amyand’s hernia is defined as an inguinal hernia containing the vermiform appendix [1–3]. Some authors suggest appendectomy in case of young patients with normal appendix within an inguinal hernia [1–3]. The authors believe that appendectomy can be avoided in young patients, in case of normal appendix, by simply reducing appendix into the abdomen. Infact, in addition to the immunological function, the possible roles of appendix have been rediscovered today. It has uses in the MACE and Mitrofanoff procedures and has been used in case of ureteral damage and for other reconstructive techniques [4–7].

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