
In pandemic, the economic crises and health issues have brought the whole human race in unprecedented situation. Pandemic is not a single reason of health crisis, poor air quality is also a great threat for increasing mortality rate in the world. In Nation Capital Region (NCR), India and nearby areas, the time period of months of September to Decemberis very much crucial every year as due to many social, cultural, ecological and known-unknown reasons, the quality of air is degraded below threshold level causing threats to human health and lives. Present manuscript is a trial for analysis of air quality of Indian capital region amidst global pandemic and effect of Ancient Yagya and Homa science on curbing the pollution. It also indicates multiple benefits of Yagya science as well as improvements in result section where mainly pollution analysis is focused. IoT and sensor based instruments were used to collect the data and LSTN and adam optimization were applied to study the effect. It was found a reduction in pollutant particles and improvement in air quality after a week.

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