
A safe childhood respecting sexual rights forms the foundation of an individual's sexual health. However, the understanding, support, and protection of early sexuality are seldom discussed. Children already express their sexuality verbally and behaviorally in daycare, often requiring a response from staff. These day-to-day situations may have an influence on children's later sexuality. The World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe and BZgA (2010) published a framework for professionals on age-appropriate, holistic sexuality education. Using this framework, we evaluated children's sexuality-related expressions in Finnish daycare. Ournationwide questionnaire among professionals in early childhood education and care (n = 507) focused on how 1-6-year-old children expressed their sexuality in their speech and behavior. All eight topics in the WHO framework emerged regularly. The two most prevalent topics were the body and emotions. Also, 71% of professionals had a child in their group who masturbated openly. Early sexual development manifested as curiosity about one's own body, exploring its functions, traits, and attributes, while on an emotional level it manifested as abundant feelings of infatuation and tenderness, shown openly toward those-peers and adults alike-whom the child cares for. Childhood sexuality is broadly and diversely present in children's verbal and behavioral expressions in daycare settings. Children need and have the right to receive explicit responses related to issues concerning their sexual development and to receive age-appropriate information, skills, and attitudes fostering healthy development.

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