
Network screening is a key element in identifying and prioritizing hazardous sites for engineering treatment. Traditional screening methods have used observed crash frequency or severity ranking criteria and statistical modelling approaches, despite the fact that crash-based methods are reactive. Alternatively, surrogate safety measures (SSMs) have become popular, making use of new data sources including video and, more rarely, GPS data. The purpose of this study is to examine vehicle manoeuvres of braking and accelerating extracted from a large quantity of GPS data collected using the smartphones of regular drivers, and to explore their potential as SSMs through correlation with historical collision frequency and severity across different facility types. GPS travel data was collected in Quebec City, Canada in 2014. The sample for this study contained over 4000 drivers and 21,000 trips. Hard braking (HBEs) and accelerating events (HAEs) were extracted and compared to historical crash data using Spearman’s correlation coefficient and pairwise Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. Both manoeuvres were shown to be positively correlated with crash frequency at the link and intersection levels, though correlations were much stronger when considering intersections. Locations with more braking and accelerating also tend to have more collisions. Concerning severity, higher numbers of vehicle manoeuvres were also related to increased collision severity, though this relationship was not always statistically significant. The inclusion of severity testing, which is an independent dimension of safety, represents a substantial contribution to the existing literature. Future work will focus on developing a network screening model that incorporates these SSMs.

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