
In perennial forage legumes such as alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.), vegetative storage proteins are extensively mobilized to meet the nitrogen requirements of new shoot growth in spring or after cutting in summer. The 32-kDa alfalfa storage protein possesses high homology with class III chitinases, belonging to a group of pathogenesis-related proteins that possess antifreeze protein properties in some species and exhibit chitinolytic activity in vitro. This protein and the corresponding mRNA accumulate in taproots of cold-hardy culti vars during acclimation for winter, and in response to short-day conditions in controlled environments. The 17.3-kDa storage protein of white clover possesses high homology with pathogenesis-related proteins and abscisic- acid-responsive proteins from several legume species and has characteristics common to stress-responsive proteins. Low temperature enhances accumulation of this 17.3-kDa protein and its corresponding transcript. Exogenous abscisic acid stimulates the accumulation of vegetative storage proteins and their transcripts in both legume species. These observations suggest that vegetative storage proteins do not exclusively serve as nitrogen reserves during specific phases of legume development, but may play important adaptive roles in plant protection against abiotic (low temperature) and biotic (pathogen attack) stresses.Key words: nitrogen reserves, vegetative storage proteins, regulation, cold tolerance, chitinase, pathogenesis-related proteins.

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