
* This article has been compiled by Ruth Daroesman from a number of research reports prepared by R. H. Patten, Advisor on Rural Development, E J. Tavanlar Sr. Advisor Rural Development, USAID, and Severino Ubungen Jr. of the UNDP/IBRD Transmigration II Management and Monitoring Project, and on interviews with them. The research reports include ‘Vegetative Elimination of Alang-Alang in preparation for projects which combine Transmigration, Animal Husbandry and Paper Pulp Production’, May 29, 1978 pp. 39, Central Research Institute of Agriculture and Directorate General of Transmigration. ‘Research Projection. The Vegetative Method of Eliminating Alang-Alang (Imperata Cylindrica) Using Stylo (Stylosanthes guianensis cv Schofield). Preliminary Report, February to December 1980’, submitted by Severino Ubungan Jr. and ‘Penelitian Pengendalian Alang-Alang Dengan Stylosanthes Guyanensis, Baturaja-Martapura, 1970, Laporan Kwartal III’, Kerjasama Lembaga Pusat Penelitian Pertanian dengan Direktorat Jendral Transmi...

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