
The demand for blueberries has increased mainly due to the added value and the possibility of industrialization. Despite the great importance, studies are needed that focus on higher quality of seedlings and fruits, as well as appropriate plant management techniques. We studied propagation forms (micropropagation and cuttings) and pruning intensities (control, light and drastically) of blueberries 'Briteblue'. We concluded that micropropagated plants have an increased vegetative growth, as well as severe pruning provides the development of vegetative branches of greater length. Higher levels of anthocyanins were found in fruits propagated by cuttings and plants without pruning or light pruning had higher antioxidant activity.


  • The demand for blueberries has increased mainly due to the added value and the possibility of industrialization

  • Vegetative growth of three southern highbush blueberry cultivars obtained from micropropagation and softwood cuttings in two Florida locations

  • Produção e qualidade de frutos de mirtileiros sob diferentes intensidades de poda

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Intensidades de poda

Médias seguidas pela mesma letra minúscula na coluna ou maiúscula na linha não diferem pelo teste de Tukey com nível de significância de 5%. Tabela 2 - Área da folha (cm2), altura de planta (m) e índice de clorofila (unidades SPAD) de plantas de mirtileiro ‘Briteblue’ em diferentes formas de propagação, micropropagadas e por estaquia e diferentes intensidades de poda (testemunha, leve e drástica).

Índice de clorofila
Método de Micropropagação propagação
Método de propagação de poda
Antocianinas totais
Intensidade de poda
Atividade antioxidante
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