
Moisture availability is the factor that most commonly influences the discrimination against 13C fixation (Δ) by C3 plants. Therefore, by changing the availability of moisture by way of controlling competing vegetation, Δ in white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) seedlings should be affected. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of manual brushing on Δ in white spruce seedlings planted in disc-trenched and control (i.e., no site preparation) microsites. The effects of site preparation and vegetation management on soil moisture, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and Δ in white spruce seedlings were evaluated over three growing seasons. Vegetation management increased the amount of PAR reaching seedlings in the control and disc-trenched treatments by removing the shading by native vegetation around each seedling. It appears that the increase in PAR reaching seedlings decreased Δ by increasing the photosynthetic consumption of CO2. Differences in soil available moisture (up to 22%) between control and disc-trenched treatments were not reflected in Δ values, contrary to our initial hypothesis. This may indicate that the site was not moisture limiting. Also, these results underline the complexity and difficulty of determining the controlling mechanisms by which Δ is affected.

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