
We consider several new classes of viable vector field alternatives to the inflaton andquintessence scalar fields. Spatial vector fields are shown to be compatible with thecosmological anisotropy bounds if only slightly displaced from the potential minimum whiledominant, or if driving an anisotropic expansion with nearly vanishing quadrupole today.The Bianchi I model with a spatial field and an isotropic fluid is studied as a dynamicalsystem, and scaling solutions of several types are found. On the other hand, time-like fieldsare automatically compatible with large-scale isotropy. We show that they can bedynamically important if non-minimal gravity couplings are taken into account. Wereconstruct as an example a vector–Gauss–Bonnet model which generates theconcordance model acceleration at late times and supports an inflationary epoch athigh curvatures. The evolution of the vortical perturbations in such models iscomputed.

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