
Several techniques have been proposed for the challenging surgical resection of Pancoast tumors. We describe a hybrid approach that combines video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) lobectomy and limited Shaw-Paulson thoracotomy. We report a case of Pancoast tumor in a 57-year-old man, staged as cT3N0M0, that was treated with induction chemoradiotherapy prior to the hybrid surgical approach. After thoracoscopic pleural cavity inspection, an upper right VATS lobectomy by a 3-port standard approach was performed. The chest wall was resected through a limited paravertebral incision, allowing the extraction of the lobe together with the rib segments. The posterior chest wall defect was repaired with a synthetic patch. The postoperative period was uneventful and the pain never exceed a score of 3 on a visual analogue scale. Pathological examination revealed nonvital tumor cells in the specimen (ypT0N0M0). The patient is disease free at 6 months' follow-up. With this approach we experienced excellent access to both the apical and hilar structures. Further experiences are needed to validate the role of VATS lobectomy in the multidisciplinary management of posterior Pancoast tumor.

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