
Aim. To study the relationship of polymorphism of APOC3, PON1, AGT, AGTR1 genes and Vascular control parameters (blood pressure — BP and heart rate — HR) when performing an orthostatic test in young individuals. Material and methods . The study involved 75 relatively healthy Caucasian volunteers aged 20-25 years. The exclusion criterion was the presence of cardiovascular and central nervous pathologies. Vascular control was assessed by conducting an active orthostatic test. Identification of gene polymorphism was carried out by the method of deoxyribonucleic acid pyrosequencing. Results. Persons with the presence of the risk C allele of the A1666C A>C polymorphism of the AGTR1 gene have a lower heart rate in the prone position. The pulse pressure (PP) of these persons in the first minute after the rise remained at higher values. The highest levels of PP in the first minute as well as heart rate were observed in individuals whose genotype simultaneously contains the risk allele of the A1666C A>C polymorphism of the AGTR1 gene and T207M C>T polymorphism of the AGT gene. After 1 min of orthostasis in individuals carrying the mutant allele of the A1666C A>C polymorphism of the AGTR1 gene diastolic blood pressure (DBP) increased lesser, and the pulse pressure decreased “weaker” in relation to the initial values. The presence of the M268T T>C polymorphism of the AGT gene in the genotype was associated with a less high systolic blood pressure (SBP) at the first minute of orthostasis, as well as a less significant increase in DBP. Persons whose genotype contains the T allele of the L55M A>T polymorphism of the PON1 gene had a lower SBD and PP in the prone position. The presence in the genotype of the T allele of the -482 C>T polymorphism of the APOC3 gene is associated with lower rates of DBP in the prone position and SBP on the first minute after the rise. Also these individuals showed a more pronounced heart rate increase after the rise. Conclusion. There is a significant relationship between the studied polymorphic variants of the APOC3, PON1, AGT, AGTR1 genes and vascular control parameters in the context of orthostasis. It may be a predictor of early development of arterial hypertension.


  • Vascular control parameters and gene polymorphism associated with cardiovascular risk in young and relatively healthy individuals

  • There is a significant relationship between the studied polymorphic variants of the APOC3, PON1, AGT, AGTR1 genes and vascular control parameters in the context of orthostasis

  • Следовательно, можно полагать, что у этой группы лиц изменения в вегетативной регуляции могут быть связаны не только с более высокой чувствительностью рецепторов к ангиотензину II, но и с повышенной экспрессией ангиотензина II, ассоциированной с наличием в генотипе аллеля Т полиморфизма Т207М С>Т гена AGT

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There is a significant relationship between the studied polymorphic variants of the APOC3, PON1, AGT, AGTR1 genes and vascular control parameters in the context of orthostasis. It may be a predictor of early development of arterial hypertension. Одним из направлений в этом контексте может быть идентификация генов, мутации которых предрасполагают к развитию нарушений регуляции СТ, и определение возможности развития подобных расстройств. В этой связи анализ полиморфизма нуклеотидов генов, ассоциированных с факторами кардиоваскулярного риска, при наличии нарушений регуляции СТ, может быть актуален. Цель исследования: изучить связь полиморфизма генов APOC3, PON1, AGT, AGTR1 и показателей регуляции СТ — АД и частота сердечных сокращений (ЧСС), при проведении активной ОП у молодых, относительно здоровых лиц

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