
AbstractPorphyroblastic garnet schists from northern Samos contain in their matrix the assemblage Ca‐rich garnet + phengite + paragonite ± chloritoid equilibrated at ∼530 °C and ∼19 kbar during early Tertiary metamorphism. These high‐pressure/low‐temperature (HP‐LT) metapelitic rocks also exhibit mineralogical and microstructural evidence of an older, higher temperature metamorphism. Large, centimetre‐sized Fe‐rich garnet showing growth zoning developed discontinuous, <0.5 mm thick, Ca‐rich and Mn‐poor overgrowths, compositionally matching small (<1 mm) high‐P matrix garnet. Because the discontinuous garnet rims are in textural and chemical equilibrium with Alpine high‐P minerals, the central parts of the garnet porphyroblasts were found to have formed prior to the Tertiary metamorphism. This is supported by electron microprobe U‐Th‐Pb dating of monazite inclusions yielding partly reset Variscan ages between 360 and 160 Ma. Monazite‐xenotime and garnet‐muscovite thermometry applied to inclusions in the pre‐Alpine garnet yielded temperatures of 600–625 °C (at 3–8 kbar). Prismatic Al‐rich pseudomorphs, possibly after kyanite/sillimanite, and inclusions in garnet composed of white K‐Na mica + quartz ± albite ± K feldspar, interpreted as possible replacements of an intermediate K‐Na feldspar, further support Variscan amphibolite facies conditions. The Samos metapelites thus experienced higher temperatures during the Variscan than during Alpine metamorphism. Diffusional relaxation was very limited between pre‐Alpine garnet and Alpine garnet; both were filled with Alpine garnet along overgrowths and fractures. Fluid‐mediated intergranular element transport, enhanced by deformation, appears crucial in transforming the Variscan garnet into a grossular richer composition during Alpine subduction‐zone metamorphism. At such conditions, dissolution–reprecipitation appears to be a much more effective mechanism for modifying garnet compositions than diffusion. Amphibolite facies conditions are typical for Variscan basement relics exposed in central Cycladic and Dodecanese islands as well as in eastern Crete. The Samos metapelites studied comprise a north‐eastern extension of these basement occurrences.

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