
Large housing estates (LHEs) in eastern Germany are often stigmatised in media and public discourses. They are considered symbols of the state-socialist era. Furthermore, LHEs are usually presented as monotonous entities without inner variation, including in scientific literature. This poses the risk of a general and thoughtless stigmatisation of these estates. This paper focuses on the concept of territorial stigmatisation. Although stigmatised from the outside, in many cases the internal image contrasts with the external one. Previous literature indicates four main aspects that need more attention in scientific studies on LHEs and territorial stigmatisation: (1) a longterm perspective including the area’s historical development, (2) the analysis and evaluation of micro-scale data independent of common statistical boundaries, (3) the residents’ perceptions of their living environment, and (4) a more critical reflection in the academic discourse about one’s own role as a knowledge producer. By using the Leipzig-Grünau LHE as an example, we explore, first, how the internal image has changed over time, and second, whether micro-scale differences within the estate can be identified. We draw on findings of a long-term study investigating the development of the Leipzig-Grünau LHE since 1979. The results illustrate that the respective historical context has had a major influence on image generation over time. Furthermore, a micro-scale analysis reveals that even subspaces in immediate proximity differ with regard to socio-demographic characteristics, the housing and neighbourhood conditions and ownership. In particular, the residents perceive their living environment in a more nuanced way, which influences their image of the estate.

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