
In a most comprehensive statistical analysis of the complications of varicella, Bullowa and Wishik<sup>1</sup>stated that some type of complication occurred in 133 (5.2 per cent) of a group of 2,534 cases of varicella encountered at the Willard Parker Hospital in the five years from Jan. 1, 1929, to Dec. 31, 1933 inclusive. Most frequent among the complications was otitis media, which occurred in 37 cases. Although herpes zoster oticus is not unusual and although there is apparently a distinct relation between herpes zoster and chickenpox,<sup>2</sup>records of chickenpox involving the ear are scant. The purpose of this case report is to point out the possibility of involvement of the ear by the lesions of chickenpox and to stress the necessity for thinking of this possibility in the differential diagnosis of otitis media complicating varicella. <h3>REPORT OF CASE</h3> A girl aged 9 years had been found to have varicella; the

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