
For a one-locus selection model, Svirezhev introduced an integral variational principle by defining a Lagrangian which remained stationary on the trajectory followed by the population undergoing selection. It is shown here (i) that this principle can be extended to multiple loci in some simple cases and (ii) that the Lagrangian is defined by a straightforward generalization of the one-locus case, but (iii) that in two-locus or more general models there is no straightforward extension of this principle if linkage and epistasis are present. The population trajectories can be constructed as trajectories of steepest ascent in a Riemannian metric space. A general method is formulated to find the metric tensor and the surface in the metric space on which the trajectories, which characterize the variations in the gene structure of the population, lie. The local optimality principle holds good in such a space. In the special case when all possible linkage disequilibria are zero, the phase point of the n-locus genetic system moves on the surface of the product space of n higher dimensional unit spheres in a certain Riemannian metric space of gene frequencies so that the rate of change of mean fitness is maximum along the trajectory. In the two-locus case the corresponding surface is a hyper-torus.

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