
Introduction This article is the product of the research "Variation of the mechanical properties of a soil at different moisture contents", developed in the city of Arequipa and carried out during the year 2016.
 Methodology: To characterize the mechanical properties of a soil according to its saturation state, carrying out 04 unidimensional consolidation tests at different saturation percentages of 0.00%, 65.71%, 80.56% and 100% and 04 direct cutting tests at different saturation percentages of 0.00%, 20%, 40% and 100%. For these tests, unaltered clay samples were extracted.
 Results: The results obtained from the mechanical characterization at different degrees of saturation influence the resistance to settlement and shear of the soil. Taking into account that, when comparing both resistances of the soil under study, the resistance to deformation decreased more than the resistance to shear.
 Conclusions: Taking into consideration that, when comparing the geotechnical parameters of the soils at each degree of saturation vary considerably, it is important to perform mechanical tests to the soil taking into account the natural moisture and not to test them in their critical or saturated state because their mechanical properties will be different, and this will directly affect the design of the foundations of the structure and therefore in the final cost of it.

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